(Decentralized) Galaxia Wallet App Service Terms and Conditions


Chapter 1: General Provisions

Article 1 (Purpose)


These terms and conditions relate to the use of the 'Galaxia Wallet App Service' (hereinafter referred to as the 'Service') provided by Galaxia SG Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the 'Company'), the rights, obligations, responsibilities, and service use between the company and its members. Its purpose is to stipulate all other matters, such as the terms and conditions of use and procedures in accordance with


Article 2 (Definition of terms)

The definitions of the terms used in these Terms and Conditions are as defined in each of the following subparagraphs.


1. 'Galaxia Wallet App Service' is a service provided by the company that allows members to make deposits and remittances such as GXA within the 'Galaxia Wallet App' through various wired and wireless devices and programs such as mobile devices, PCs, and smartphones. e-wallet service.

2. ¡®Galaxia Wallet App¡¯ (hereinafter referred to as ¡®Wallet App¡¯) refers to a dedicated application provided by the company to members for the purpose of providing services.

3. ¡®Member¡¯ refers to a person who has entered into a service use contract with the company in accordance with these terms and conditions.

4. 'GXA, etc.' refers to virtual assets operated by the company, 'GALAXIA' (hereinafter referred to as 'GXA') and virtual assets provided by the company among other virtual assets, and means of transaction that can be used within the service between members.

5. ¡®NFT¡¯ refers to a ¡®non-fungible token¡¯ with a unique key value. Members can check the NFTs of their MetaGalaxia service account within the Galaxia Wallet app service.

6. ¡®MetaGalaxia¡¯ refers to the service that provides NFT issuance and trading functions.

7. ¡®Deposit¡¯ means that a member transfers GXA, etc. from another member or an external electronic wallet such as an exchange.

8. ¡®Remittance¡¯ refers to the transfer of GXA held by a member to another member or an external electronic wallet such as an exchange.

9. ¡®PIN number¡¯ refers to a service password (6 digits) set separately by the member as an identification number that allows the member to confirm that the member is a member matching the account and account address.

10. ¡®Wallet address¡¯ refers to a unique identification address assigned to each account that can be used for exchanging GXA, etc. with other members or external electronic wallets such as exchanges.

11. ¡®QR code¡¯ is an encrypted text composed of numbers and letters, and can be used when exchanging GXA with external electronic wallets such as other members or exchanges.

12. ¡®Seed phrase¡¯ refers to a combination of unique English words used in the process of recovering or creating additional accounts by members.

13. ¡®PUSH¡¯ message service refers to a service in which the company transmits a message to a member¡¯s terminal by utilizing the data communication function of the mobile device notification service.

14. 'Coin siren service' refers to a service that collects information on virtual assets and price volatility and provides them to users.


Among the terms used in these Terms and Conditions, any terms not specified in this Article shall be governed by related laws and general business practices.




Article 3 (Effect and Change of Terms and Conditions)

¨ç These terms and conditions become effective when the contents are posted on the service screen or notified to members by other means, and members who agree to them sign up for the service.


¨è If deemed necessary, the company may change these terms and conditions within the scope of not violating the relevant laws and regulations. However, if changes are made unfavorable to members, they will be notified with a grace period of at least 30 days in advance. In this case, the company displays the amendments so that members can easily understand them.


¨é If the member does not agree to the application of the revised terms and conditions, he/she must express such intention to the company by the day before the application date. However, if there are special circumstances in which the existing terms and conditions cannot be applied, the company may terminate the use contract.


Article 4 (Rules other than Terms and Conditions)

¨ç The company may have a separate operating policy in addition to these terms and conditions.


¨è Regarding matters not specified in these Terms and Conditions, the separate policies in the preceding paragraph, detailed usage guidelines, and the provisions of related laws and regulations apply.


¨é Individual operating policies and detailed usage guidelines set by the company can be checked by members in the process of using the service, and if there is a change in the individual operating policies and detailed usage guidelines, the company will notify them on its website or app.




Chapter 2 Service Use Agreement

Article 5 (Execution of Use Agreement)

¨ç The use contract for the services provided by the company is concluded when a person who wishes to become a member (hereinafter referred to as ¡°subscription applicant¡±) installs the Wallet app, agrees to the terms and conditions, and then receives the service.


¨è The company may defer approval of membership application (i.e. defer provision of service) if there is no room for service-related facilities or if there is a technical or business problem.


¨é If the approval of the membership application is withheld pursuant to Paragraph 2, the company, in principle, informs the applicant for membership.




Article 6 (Termination of Contract and Restriction on Use)

¨ç Members may terminate the service use contract on the wallet app or homepage according to the method and procedure set by the company.


¨è The company may terminate the service use contract or restrict the use of the service if the member has any of the following reasons.

1. If a member has acted in violation of these terms and conditions

2. If a member commits an act that violates related laws, such as providing illegal programs, obstructing service operation, illegal communication, hacking, distributing malicious programs, or exceeding access rights

3. If a member commits an act or attempts to interfere with the smooth progress of the service provided by the company

4. The act of copying, modifying, distributing, selling, transferring, lending, or providing collateral to the service or any part of the software contained therein without the consent of the company and allowing the use of it to others

5. In the case of unauthorized collection and use of information provided by our services, or use of services for members' business or business purposes (except if a separate contract is signed with the company)

6. In the case of sending or posting information, etc. that violates public order and morals and laws, criminal acts, lending or transferring account information, or providing collateral

7. In the case of using the services of other companies to act against social order or in violation of laws and regulations


¨é When the use contract is terminated in accordance with this Article, all benefits obtained by the member through the use of the service will be extinguished, and the company will not compensate for this.


¨ê The company does not separately store, manage, or store seed phrases. Therefore, members are advised to take care of backing up and managing the seed phrase before removing the service.


¨ë If the company terminates the use contract in accordance with Paragraph 2, the company may retain the member's information for a certain period of time to receive and process the member's objection.




Chapter 3 Service Use

Article 7 (Initiation of Service Use)

¨ç The service for ¡®members¡¯ begins when the company approves the member¡¯s application for use.


¨è If the service is not started at the time of the preceding paragraph due to business or technical reasons of the company, it will be notified on the service screen or homepage.

Article 8 (Service Provision and Use)


¨ç The company provides the following services to members.

1. Check user¡¯s digital asset such as NFT, GXA, etc.

2. Deposit and transfer of GXA, etc.

3. Staking and Rewards of GXA, etc.

4. All services provided to members through additional development by other companies or partnership agreements with other companies


¨è The company provides NFT holding details confirmation service in accordance with the following subparagraphs.

1. Members can check the NFTs held by their Meta Galaxia account within the service by linking the member's MetaGalaxia account to the service according to the guided instructions.


¨é The company provides remittance services for such as GXA in accordance with the following subparagraphs.


1. Members can send GXA, etc. to other members within the service after setting the transmission method between ¡®wallet address¡¯ and ¡®QR code¡¯.


¨ê The company provides staking and rewards services of GXA, etc in accordance with the following subparagraphs.

1. Members can stake their GXA, etc., in a designated location for a set period of time, and receive rewards in the same type of virtual asset as the deposited virtual asset according to the compensation rate set by the company.

2. When using staking services of such as GXA, the member agrees to allow the company to deposit and store the member's GXA, etc. for a certain period of time.

3. The deposited GXA, etc. cannot be used for other services such as remittance to an external wallet until the fixed deposit period has elapsed or the deposit is canceled midway.

4. If the deposit is canceled before the specified deposit period has elapsed, the penalty specified in the service may be applied.

5. The company does not guarantee changes in the value of GXA, etc. under any circumstances.

¨ë In the event of market disruption or force majeure events, the company may take one or more actions in accordance with the following subparagraphs, and the company is not responsible for any losses to the member as a result of these actions.


1. Suspension of access to ¡®Wallet App¡¯


2. Suspension of all services within the ¡®Wallet App¡¯


3. Check virtual asset information such as price volatility trends and balance status by exchange


Article 8 (Service Usage Hours)

¨ç In principle, this service is provided 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, the service may be temporarily suspended for business operation or technical reasons.


¨è If necessary, the company can divide the service into a certain range and set the available time for each range separately.


¨é In the case of the preceding paragraph 2, in principle, the company notifies the member of the reason for the limitation of service provision and the period, etc. in detail on the service provision screen in the wallet app or on the company website. However, exceptions are made when temporary suspension occurs due to unexpected circumstances not attributable to the company.


¨ê The company may conduct an inspection if it deems it necessary for the smooth provision of the service, and the inspection time is notified on the service provision screen.


Article 9 (Personal Information)

¨ç The company provides member services and OAuth services from Google and Apple (OAuth Service Providers) to provide customized services.

1. The range of personal information that you collect when you log in

   A. None

2. You can access and use your data when using OAuth services from Google and Apple (OAuth Service Provider).

3. Auto-generated information from Google, Apple (OAuth Service Provider) during use of OAuth services

   A. Uid information received from the OAuth Service provider

   B. We do not store data or personal information provided using OAuth Service.

   C. If you do not want to use the OAuth Service, you can disable your login at any time through initialization.


Article 10 (Change and Suspension of Service)

¨ç In order to change the contents of the service, the company must notify the details of the change and the date of provision in advance on the service screen or homepage.


¨è The company may limit or suspend all or part of the service in the following cases.

1. In case telecommunications service is suspended by key telecommunications service provider

2. In unavoidable cases due to construction such as maintenance of service facilities

3. In case the company is unable to continue the service due to significant business reasons such as the discontinuation of business due to business transfer, division, merger, etc., expiration of contracts with important affiliates, and significant deterioration in the service's revenue

4. In the event of a cause specified in Article 9, Paragraphs 1 and 2, such as equipment failure, power outage, or congestion of usage

5. In the event of force majeure, such as natural disasters or national emergencies

6. In the case of a service provided by a third party such as an affiliated company rather than a service directly provided by the company, if the third party such as an affiliated company has stopped the service

7. In case it is objectively clear that the company cannot provide services due to other serious reasons


¨é The Company's obligation to notify about service interruption under Paragraph 2 is in accordance with Article 9 Paragraph 3.


¨ê The company is not responsible for any changes or suspensions of services that are not caused by intentional or gross negligence, and problems arising from changes, suspensions, delays, or limitations of services notified in advance (including changes in the value of GXA, etc.)


Article 11 (Provision of Information)

¨ç The company posts notices related to service operation on the website or wallet app, or notifies members through PUSH messages, etc.


¨è The company notifies members of various information related to service operation by posting on the website or wallet app.


¨é Members agree that the company places or presents advertisements for promotional purposes and other content and materials as part of the service.


Article 12 (Service Data Deletion Policy)

¨ç If the wallet app installed on the member's device is deleted or disabled, or the member's account information is deleted from the device, all data related to the service will be initialized, and the member who wants to use the service again must reset the service.


¨è When deleting or initializing data, recovery is possible only through the seed phrase, so members should be careful about storing the seed phrase securely.


Article 13 (Notes on Service Use)

¨ç The company refuses to process the requested transaction or offers limited conditions to the transactions if necessary to prevent damages that the member may bear due to the transaction that occurred under the circumstances of Article 6, Paragraph 2 and Article 17.


¨è The company may exclude specific virtual assets available to members from the service in the event of bankruptcy, dissolution, rational discontinuation of service of an important affiliate, government policy such as related laws and supervisory authorities, or reasons similar thereto.


¨é The company does its best to notify members in advance of whether virtual assets are excluded in the preceding paragraph, and the company supports the transfer of virtual assets to personal wallets issued by other services for at least 30 days from the date of notification of suspension of trading.


¨ê The contents provided by the service are supplementary materials for using the service, and are not recommendations or suggestions for investment or trading. The company does not guarantee the accuracy of the content and information provided by other information providers.


¨ë GXA, etc. is not a legal currency, and has high volatility, where the market price changes according to various issues such as speculative demand and changes in the regulatory environment. Members are responsible for the use or trading of GXA, etc., and all possible gains and losses belong to the member.




Chapter 4 Obligations of Contracting Parties

Article 14 (Obligations of the Company)

¨ç The company strives to provide services continuously and reliably as stipulated in these terms and conditions.


¨è The company strives to protect the member's personal information in accordance with relevant laws such as the ¡¸Information and Communications Network Act¡¹ and ¡¸Personal Information Protection Act¡¹ when collecting personal information of members in accordance with the provision of services.


¨é The company promptly handles complaints from members related to the service when they are received through the customer center. If prompt processing is not possible, the member is notified of the reason and processing schedule by posting on the service screen.


¨ê If the damage caused to the member due to the service provided by the company is due to a cause clearly attributable to the company, the company will be liable for compensation, and the company will provide insurance or mutual aid to fulfill the liability for damages in accordance with the company's compensation policy. The company can take necessary measures, such as signing up for or making a separate deposit for that matter.


¨ë In principle, when the company compensates for damages to all members who have suffered damages due to reasons attributable to the company that do not fall under Article 19, it shall notify the members in advance by posting in the service or PUSH notifications through the app. In the event of unavoidable circumstances, such as loss of contact, a follow-up notification can be made after taking the first action. However, when a member makes a claim for individual damages to the company, the company compensates the member for damages in accordance with the company's compensation policy when the member submits the reason for the claim and the amount of the claim in writing to the company.


¨ì The company faithfully complies with all laws related to the operation and maintenance of services, such as the ¡¸Information and Communications Network Act¡¹, ¡¸Location Information Protection Act¡¹, ¡¸Protection of Communications Secrets Act¡¹, and ¡¸Telecommunications Business Act¡¹.




Article 15 (Obligations of Members)


¨ç Members must comply with the provisions of these terms and conditions, related laws, user guides and precautions notified on the service, and matters notified by the company, and do not engage in any other acts that interfere with the company's business or service.


¨è Members shall not engage in any of the following acts when using the service.

1. Entering false facts when applying for or changing service use, or stealing or fraudulently using third-party information

2. An act of using the service by receiving or copying a QR code by fraudulent means

3. Any act of copying, distributing, or commercially using information obtained by using the company's service information without prior consent from the company

4. Registering or distributing data infected with computer viruses that cause malfunctions of service-related facilities or destruction and confusion of information

5. Infringement of intellectual property rights such as copyrights of the company and other third parties

6. Acts that damage the reputation of the company and other third parties or interfere with their work

7. Disrupting sound trading order by unfairly influencing the market price of virtual assets

8. Collecting, storing and disclosing personal information of other members

9. Act of changing information posted by other companies

10. Activities related to money laundering or financing of public intimidation, such as frequent transactions within a short period of time, transactions under name borrowing, etc.

11. Other illegal or violating public order and morals


¨é If a member commits an act specified in each subparagraph of Paragraph 2, he/she accepts the company's measures such as restriction or termination of use of all or part of the service without objection. In addition, the member must faithfully reimburse the company's claims for damages.


¨ê If the company receives various objections, including claims for damages or lawsuits from a third party due to illegal acts or violations of these terms and conditions by a member in using the service, the member must indemnify the company at its own responsibility and expense. The member must compensate for all damages suffered by the company as a result.


¨ë Members cannot transfer or donate the right to use the service or the position under the contract of use to a third party.


 Article 16 (Responsibility for Management of Member's PIN Number, Seed Phrase, etc.)


¨ç Members are responsible for the management of PIN numbers and seed phrases, and are responsible for all damages caused by negligent management.


¨è If a member recognizes that their PIN number and seed phrase are stolen or used by a third party, they must immediately notify the company and follow the company's instructions.


¨é In the case of Paragraph 2, the company shall not be liable for any disadvantages caused by the member not notifying the company or not following the company's guidance even if the member notified the company, unless intentionally or negligently.




Article 17 (Reporting and Changing Loss and Stolen Devices Using Services)


¨ç Members must immediately report the loss or theft of a mobile device or access medium to the company. In this case, the company takes measures to prevent remittance only when the report is received.


¨è When a member who has completed the procedure in Paragraph 1 wants to apply for compensation for fraudulent use due to loss or theft, he or she can apply for compensation to the company. You can be compensated for the amount you use.


¨é Notwithstanding Paragraph 2, the member bears all responsibility for illegal use in the following cases.


1. Illegal use due to negligent management of mobile devices, rental, transfer, provision of collateral, third-party storage, etc.

2. Illegal use due to leakage of authentication information such as PIN number

3. Illegal use by members' family members and cohabitants (including de facto cohabitants)

4. Failure to cooperate with investigations set by the company to investigate damages caused by fraudulent use

5. In the event that damage investigation, etc. becomes impossible due to delay in compensation application after reporting loss or theft

6. In the case of not reporting the loss or theft of the mobile device immediately after being aware of it




Article 18 (Notification to Members)

The company notifies members in the manner prescribed by Article 11, Paragraph 1, etc.


Chapter 5 Settlement of Disputes

Article 19 (Company's Immunity)


¨ç The company is exempted from liability for service provision when it is temporarily or ultimately unable to provide service due to natural disasters or equivalent force majeure, as well as maintenance, replacement, or failure of information and communication facilities, or problems in the communication services. In this case, the company notifies the member by posting on the Internet site provided by the company or by other possible notice methods.


¨è The company is not responsible for service failures caused by reasons attributable to members or the consequences thereof.


¨é ¡°The company¡± and ¡°the connected company¡± (referring to a company that operates a system connected to the company's services and links, partnerships, etc.) are independently operated, and transactions or contracts between the connected company and members are the parties to the transaction or contract. It is done under the responsibility of ¡°the connected company¡± and each member. The company is not involved in transactions or contracts between the connected or affiliated companies and members, and is not responsible for the any of them.


¨ê In the event of a dispute arising from a transaction between members or between a member and a third party through the service, the necessary post-processing, such as dispute resolution, must be carried out directly by the parties involved in the transaction, and the company has no obligation to be involved in this. We are not responsible for compensating for damages to members. However, if the situation is serious and members request mediation, we may be involved in resolving the issue.


¨ë The company provides functions such as deposit and remittance of virtual assets through the service, but does not bear the responsibility of managing the member's virtual assets themselves. All responsibility for the management of accounts and virtual assets, including storage of seed phrases, prevention of theft and loss, lies with the member, and no responsibility is assumed if there is no cause attributable to the company.


¨ì The member is responsible for the accuracy of the wallet address provided by the 3rd party service, and the company is not responsible for signing and remittance to the address incorrectly entered by the member.


¨í The company does not guarantee any matters not specified in these terms and conditions in relation to the service. In addition, the company does not guarantee the value of any virtual asset.






Article 20 (Dispute Resolution)


¨ç The company operates a customer center to reflect legitimate opinions or complaints raised by members and to deal with complaints.


¨è In principle, the company immediately handles opinions and complaints raised by members. However, if prompt processing is difficult, the reason and processing schedule will be notified to the member.


¨é In the case of a member's request for damage relief in relation to a dispute between the company and the member, the dispute mediation agency may follow the mediation.


Article 21 (Jurisdiction and Governing Law)

¨ç If a dispute arises between the company and a member in relation to the use of the service, the company and the member conscientiously consult to resolve the dispute.


¨è If the dispute is not resolved even through the consultation in Paragraph 1, the lawsuit between the parties shall follow the provisions of the competent court under the ¡¸Civil Procedure Act¡¹. The same applies if the address or residence of the user at the time of filing is not clear or if the user is a foreign resident.


¨é Lawsuits filed between the company and members shall be governed by the laws of Singapore.




These Terms and Conditions are effective from May 30, 2024.

These Terms and Conditions are version 1.1.